Saturday, December 8, 2007

more on brochures

Just like any kind of brochure for a business, an artists brochure must include the same type of information. You want a little bit about anything important, but not too much. Make them want to see more. The main idea is to write something about yourself or your inspiration – perhaps your artists statement, some photos of your work, a small black and white head shot of yourself (a professional one is good unless you know someone who can do a professional job – my daughter took mine and I’m very happy with it), a website address, and of course your contact information. If you can design this yourself you might want to ‘google’ brochures or tri-fold brochures and find some samples done in Word that you can use as a template. If you can’t do this yourself, get some recommendations from a college or from other artists and see if you can find someone who is good and can do it for a price you can afford. In office supply stores you can find special paper now made for tri-fold brochures.


Bob said...

OK, it's Bob here...glad to see you're adding to the Banquet blog again. You have a way of making the business of art sound very practical in some ways, but not stifling. It's obvious that you are able to not slight the creative side while still tending to the practical, but it must take discipline and practice...both hard for me!

Mary Telfer said...

Thanks Bob... but I think I must love what I'm doing because I don't think discipline is one of my strong points. : ) Practice, yes.